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real-time buffers

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rtbuf : Real time buffers C API


First your program must link to librtbuf

CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include/rtbuf

LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib -lrtbuf


rtbuf must be initialized using librtbuf_init

int librtbuf_init (void)

Initializes rtbuf library

Loading libraries

If you want to use existing rtbuf libraries you must first load them using rtbuf_lib_load

s_rtbuf_lib * rtbuf_lib_load (const char *name)

Loads the rtbuf library named name.

Finding a library by name

If your library is already loaded you can still find it by name using rtbuf_lib_find

Finding a proc

Inside a library you can find a procedure by name using rtbuf_lib_find_proc

Creating real time buffers

Once you have a procedure you can instanciate a real time buffer with rtbuf_new

int rtbuf_new (s_rtbuf_proc *rp)

Instanciates a new buffer with its own inputs and outputs. The inputs and outputs are initially disconnected. All outputs have their memory initialized to zero.

Binding real time buffer outputs and inputs

Once you have created buffers you can bind a buffer’s output to another buffer’s input, provided they have compatible types, using rtbuf_bind.

void rtbuf_bind (unsigned int src, unsigned int out, s_rtbuf *dest, unsigned int in)

Binds rtbuf src output out to rtbuf dest input in

Starting up

Once your buffers are connected you can start computation with rtbuf_start.

It will do a dependency sort on buffers and call their procedure’s start method on each buffer.

int rtbuf_start (void)

Initialize all buffers before calling rtbuf_run.

If any buffer fails to start then starting is aborted and the return value is non-zero.

If all buffers were started successfully the function returns zero.


To compute all buffers use rtbuf_run.

Usually this function is called repeatedly in a main loop until the application closes.

int rtbuf_run (void)

Runs computation on all buffers.

If computation failed on any buffer the computation is halted and the return value is non-zero.

If all buffers were computed successfully the function returns zero.